
Edit the bot configuration and add the categories (src/config.yml)

Surface Customization:

embedColor: "#52e2ff" # Set de embed color (Hex Color)
activity: "developed by" # Activity of the bot
icon: "" # URL to your icon/avatar.
banner: "" # URL to your banner server.

Configure the categories and other features:

    panel_icon: true # Show icon in panel
    panel_banner: true # Show banner in panel
  transcripts: "1194084695160397866" # Channel where the transcripts will arrive
    - name: "🌐 Option 1" # Name of category
      description: "My custom description" # Description of category
      categoryId: "1190421130973024256" # ID of the category where the tickets will be created

    - name: "📷 Option 2" # Name of category
      description: "My custom description" # Description of category
      categoryId: "1190421116402028544" # ID of the category where the tickets will be created

    - name: "🚨 Option 3" # Name of category
      description: "My custom description" # Description of category
      categoryId: "1190421148454879302" # ID of the category where the tickets will be created

    - name: "🛒 Option 4" # Name of category
      description: "My custom description" # Description of category
      categoryId: "1190421163306922055" # ID of the category where the tickets will be created

    staff: "1156043297630986313" # Role with ticket access

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